1 Lesson Correspondence Course

“Put me in coach, I’m ready to play, today, look at me, I could be, centerfield.”

So you want to be a magician. If you’re not a magician, I assume that’s why you’re reading my blog. Maybe you haven’t found the right group, or the right teacher. Maybe you can’t afford one of those other correspondence courses. Maybe you’ve tried other systems, but it’s too difficult to invest six months or a year or three years to a system before you see results. You’re in luck because I’ve come up with a 1 lesson correspondence course that will make you a magician. I’m giving it away free, so all it’ll cost you between a quarter and two dollars in supplies. You don’t have to study. You don’t have to learn protection techniques or magical theory. You don’t need a teacher and you don’t need a group. All you have to do is read this one post, follow these instructions, and tomorrow morning you will be a magician.

If you haven’t yet done a spell, if you’ve never performed a magical operation, even if you’ve never seen a ghost or had a psychic premonition, what I’m offering right now is the key to your spiritual attainment. Whatever you want to do or become spiritually, it all starts right here, right now, and all you have to do is want it.

Right now you’re being given a choice. You can choose to become a magician today. If you chose that, then today you’ll start on your spiritual path, whatever that may be. Whatever it is you want spiritually, you’ll find it on that path. Whether that’s doing magic, seeing ghosts, finding your higher self, gaining enlightenment, flying on a broom stick, or whatever else you want spirituality to be.

If you choose not to become a magician today, I don’t know why you’re reading my blog, or any magical blogs or books. You should give up, save yourself some time and money, and not waste the time of legitimate teachers and group members. If you aren’t yet a magician and you don’t become one today, I have very little faith that you will ever become a magician.

Magicians are defined by their actions. They do things. They also tend to jump right in and do things. They don’t wait until they’ve studied enough, until they’ve learned the right techniques, until their success or safety is assured, or put things off until tomorrow. Magicians get an idea for some magic in their head, and then they go out and do it.

If you put off doing this today, you will probably never do it. If you want to wait until you’re ready, you will never be ready. If you want to be a magician, if you want to be a spiritual person, just take this first step, and everything else will come to you.

I implore anyone reading this who has never cast a spell, or who hasn’t cast a spell in a long time, to change that and become a magician today. I want people to be magicians. I want other people to find their spiritual attainment. So please, do this for yourself, and make yourself, spiritually, into what you want to be.

So you’re still reading, so I assume you’re at least thinking about seeing this through. You might be wondering how you can be a magician. It’s easy. A magician is someone who does magic. If you do magic, you’re a magician. The wonderful thing about magic though is that once you start doing it, everything else will start to fall into place. You’ll be having spiritual experiences, which will teach you about the metaphysical universe, and then you’ll have practical knowledge to apply to theory. This will make you a stronger magician who can do more, which means you’ll have even more spiritual experiences, and those will teach you even more about the metaphysical universe, giving you even more practical knowledge to apply to theory.

You’ll begin a cycle that will make you more and more powerful through out your entire life, and even into your afterlife.

All you have to do to put everything in motion is do one spell tonight. That will start the chain. I suggest trying to do magic as often as you can. You can easily do one of the spells you’re going to do tonight every night if you want to. Or you can experiment with other spells, maybe even your own. You don’t have to commit to all this right now though. Right now all you have to commit to is doing one spell.

I figure some of things people want are sex, money, and power. I think most people want at least one of these things. So I’ve devises four simple spells to help you attain sex, money, and/or power.

Will these spells work? That depends on you. The magical theory is solid. If you do them well enough, the spells will work. They might not though. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t work on the first try, or if they never work for you. It might take a few tries, or it might take a different kind of spell to see results. Just keep on trying until something finally does work, and always perform these spells with a positive attitude, never giving up faith that this time it will work.

Right now the important thing isn’t results. Right now the important thing is to be doing magic. Even if it doesn’t work, it’s still a first step on the journey to becoming an adept, and even a horribly bad novice magician is still a magician, which makes them much more spiritual than someone who isn’t a magician.

So, four spells, pick the one you like. All of these spells require a candle. I suggest a new white pillar candle that will burn for a few hours. That’s just a suggestion though. Feel free to use any kind of candle you want, can afford, or happen to have on hand. If it burns too long, you can always just put it out. You’ll also need a lighter, and something to put the candle on, preferably a candle holder. The prosperity spell also requires some pocket change, and the glamour spell works best with a mirror.

I also suggest taking a nice relaxing shower prior to doing any of these spells. If that isn’t possible, that’s okay, it’s just a suggestion. A quiet, dark place where you won’t be disturbed is also ideal, but not necessary.

Once you’re ready pick your spell and get to work. You may want to copy your spell into a text editor and print it out in case you need a reference during the spell.

Spell 1: Making Yourself Pretty

This spell is a basic glamour + projection. The idea is to make yourself more attractive, so more people will be interested in you.

This spell works best if you haven’t pleasured yourself lately. If you have, don’t worry, you can still do the spell.

First things first, take off all your clothes, including your socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. This will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions. Don’t worry, it’s a solitary ritual, so no one will see you. Except your gods. And any spirits that happen to be around. And any one who may astrally project or remote view you. Actually, unless you’re a never-nude, not being seen naked isn’t really an achievable goal anyways.

Hold the candle in your hand and look into the mirror, and focus on your better physical qualities. Figure out the things that make you attractive. Spend a few minutes (like five or ten) looking into the mirror, and thinking of yourself as an attractive person. Be attracted to yourself. Ignore your flaws, or any parts of yourself that make you unattractive.

The goal of a glamour shouldn’t be to give yourself specific attributes, like six pack abs or larger breasts. That doesn’t really work, and there’s no telling if a potential mate will even want that anyways. The goal is to put an aura of attractiveness around yourself, and then the person looking at you will fill in the blanks to make you attractive.

After you finished that, sit down with your candle. Put your hands on either side of the candle, bow your head down, and close your eyes. Say out loud, “Let what I think and what I feel leave me and enter into this candle.”

Now start thinking about either love or sex. Remember what it feels like to be in love, or even to like someone and have a crush on them. Think about how wonderful it is to think about them and spend time with them. Think about some sexual fantasies and things that turn you on. All the while hold the candle in your hands, and try your best to think about the candle. If you can, visualize these thoughts going into the candle.

I suggest spending five to ten minutes on this.

Place the candle on its candle holder.

Say out loud, “As it burns, let all that is within this candle come to be with me. Once all that is within this candle has come to be in me, let it come off of me as the heat comes off the flame.”

Light the candle. Spend about five minutes staring at the candle and feeling whatever it might be giving you. After that, go about doing whatever you want to do that night while the candle burns.

The next morning you may want to repeat the mirror ritual without the candle, but you don’t have to. For the first half of your day, maybe the entire day, you may notice people looking at you a little more lustfully.

Spell 2: Bringing Yourself a Lover

Chance encounters with people you find attractive are great, but they’re so chancey. There’s no guarantee that you’ll meet someone when you go out tomorrow, and very few ways to increase your odds. Maybe you would have more luck at a singles bar, but the love of your life might just be doing their grocery shopping tomorrow. This spell is designed to bring about a chance encounter with a potentially special someone. After that it’s up to you, since the spell doesn’t offer any help beyond that.

To start, take off all your clothes, including your socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. This will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions.

Once you’re naked, stand up straight, close your eyes, and say out loud, “I am a magnet, the person I want will be drawn towards me.” Repeat this for a total of five times. Louder is better, but don’t yell or scream. If you think you might be overheard, you don’t have to say it loud enough to be heard.

Next sit down with your candle. Place each of your hands on either side of the candle. Bow your head down and close your eyes. Think of all the traits you want your boyfriend or girlfriend to have. Think of the different physical attributes you would find attractive. Imagine all these things combined together into a dream person who would be your new boyfriend or girlfriend. While doing this try to think of the candle. Imagine all of these thoughts entering into the candle. If you can, visualize these thoughts, and your dream lover, leaving you and entering the candle. Do this for five to ten minutes.

Place the candle on to the candle holder. Say out loud, “Let another lonely heart, like the one described within my mind, be drawn to me. Let this candle burn, and in doing so bring us together.”

Light the candle.

Stand up straight, close your eyes, and say out loud five more times, “I am a magnet, the person I want will be drawn towards me.”

Spend a few minutes staring at the candle while it burns. See if you can feel anything, like the universe twisting around and coming together around you to offer you an opportunity.

Now go about your business for the rest of the evening and let the candle burn. You may wish to repeat that last part of the ritual about being the magnet again in the morning. If all went right with the spell, you may find yourself having a chance encounter with someone special.

Spell 3: A Simple Prosperity Spell

Maybe you’ve already found the love of your life, so those other spells aren’t going to be all that useful to you. But all of us could use a little extra spending cash, so here’s a spell to help make you part of the 1%.

In addition to your candle, you’re going to need some pocket change for this spell. Try to get between five and ten coins, and ideally have at least one of each.

Now that you got your pocket change, you aren’t going to need your pockets anymore, so take off all your clothes, including socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. This will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions.

Sit down. Put your money in your left hand and make a fist. Hold the candle with your right hand. Put your arms at your side, and raise your hands so they’re level with your head. Close your eyes. Say out loud, “Let these two things be as one. Let this candle be as money, and make me richer and bring prosperity. Let this money be as the candle, released into the universe.”

With your hands still raised, and your eyes still closed, imagine the money coming out of your hand and entering the candle. If you can, imagine it entering your hand, traveling through your arm and across your chest, and exiting out your other hand into the candle. Then imagine the candle burning, and showering coins into the universe around you. Finally imagine the candle burning, and coins showering out, and being drawn to and entering your body.

Continue these visualization for five to ten minutes. When you’re about to finish, bring your hands together, putting your left fist, holding the money, against the left side of the candle. If you can, take a minute or two to imagine all of your thoughts and imaginings from the last five to ten minutes leaving your mind and entering the candle.

Place the candle on the candle holder. Say out loud, “Burn and bring me prosperity, and riches for a day.” Light the candle.

Spend five to ten minutes staring at the candle. See if you can feel the candle doing anything to you, specifically enchanting you with a prosperity spell. If you can’t that’s okay.

The next day you’ll hopefully either find or come into some extra money. It’ll probably just be spare change, but it’s still money, and if you want to develop your own prosperity spell, the basic concept is the same, you just have to think bigger.

Spell 4: Feel the Magic

Maybe you’re content with the material aspects of your life. Maybe you’ve done the first three rituals already, so you have the love of your life and you’re piggy bank is all filled up with pocket change. All you want now is to feel something magical. Let’s do a little empowering magic.


First things first, strip completely naked, and that includes socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. Being naked will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions. With this spell in particular, being naked is going to make it that much easier to experience something.

Sit down with the candle, and put your hands on either side of it. Bow your head and close your eyes. Think about the candle for a bit. Think about its shape, how it feels, what it is, and how its about to be used magically, and what it might symbolize ritually. Imagine the thoughts and images in your head flowing out of you and entering into the candle. If you can, specifically imagine the route they take from your head, through your chest, through your arms and hands, and finally into the candle. Continue these visualizations for five to ten minutes.

Once you finish, place the candle on the candle holder. Take the lighter in your hand and say, “I am of the magi, and I call forth fire elemental to sit upon this flame.” As soon as you finish, flick the lighter, and use the flame to light the candle. If you screw up lighting the candle, start again with, “I am of the magi…”. As you light the candle, imagine a fire elemental (whatever you think that would look like) being pulled up from underground and into the flame.

Once the candle is lit, sit down. Watch the flame for a minute. If a fire elemental is inside, it may be moving erratically. The flame may be much bigger than it should be, or the flame may rapidly change from being small to large and back.

Sit down facing the candle. Spread your legs a bit, but not so much that you’re uncomfortable. Hold your hands up to your head with your palms facing the ceiling.

Look at the candle. Look at the flame on the candle. Think of the energy coming off the candle as it burns. Think about the heat coming off that flame. Imagine that the energy is like the heat, an invisible aura that emanates from the flame. Look at the flame, and visualize that energy coming off the flame. Imagine pulling that energy and that heat off, towards you. Imagine pulling that energy off the flame and into you.

Continue sitting there, legs still spread, hands still up, imagining the energy coming into from the flame like a steady stream. Imagine the fire elemental being pulled off the flame and into your body. Imagine it coming to rest inside of you.

If you managed to successfully evoke and take in the fire elemental, you’ll probably begin to feel a bit hotter underneath your skin, and a lot more powerful. Taking in a fire elemental is like getting a quick boost of power. If you don’t manage to get a fire elemental, you may still end up drawing some of the energy from the candle into yourself. If you’re not used to taking in energy, it may seem like an awful lot.


“Got a beatup glove, a homemade bat, and brand-new pair of shoes, you know I think it’s time to give this game a ride.

So there’s four spells. All you have to do is follow the instructions and do  one tonight and tomorrow you’ll be a magician, and you’ll be on your way to spiritual attainment.

If you have any issues or questions with the different spells, or have trouble getting them to work, I’m more than happy to help. The only thing is, I’m not going to help anyone who hasn’t attempted one of the spells. The whole point is to do something tonight, not put off doing it until I can get around to answering your questions.

Even if you’re having problems, try doing the spell. If you don’t understand why you’re doing something, that’s okay. If you’re not sure about something, guess. If there’s a part of the spell where you don’t know what to do, make something up. If you can’t do a spell exactly as its written for some reason, then make some sort of modification to it so that you can do it. It doesn’t need to be exact. It doesn’t even need to work the first time you try it. What does need to happen is you need to be doing magic today, even if you completely fail at it.

Likewise if you want to tell me that this is crap, it’s dangerous, tell me why it won’t work, tell me how they can be improved, or otherwise complain or point out flaws in these spells, go ahead. But if you’re going to do any of that, do one of the spells first. If you’re not a magician, I don’t care about you’re opinion on magic. It’s uninformed, and I know a hell of a lot more than you do.

If you want to compliment me on this post or tell me how great it is, I always like to hear nice things, but wait until after you’ve done one of the spells. Then you can talk about what you did and experienced if you want. And, until you’ve done one of these spells, doing one of these spells is going to help you a lot more than commenting on Internet blogs.

If you want to talk about your experiences with these spells, or how well they worked for you, feel free. I always like hearing about how this sort of stuff works or doesn’t work for other people.

Fae Helper Evocation Spell

Initially I was planning to post a glam-break spell I have that, although very powerful, is of very limited use to a magician who is able to cast it. But when Natalie brought up the fact that she wanted to meet fairies it reminded me of my Fae Helper Evocation, which is a fairly useful spell.

Notes On Using Fae and the Limitations of This Spell

Different types of fae have different types of abilities. For instance pixies are very good at casting glamours and trolls tend to be very good at guarding an entry way or portal. With the literally thousands of different types of fae out there, there’s quite a bit that fae are capable of. But fae spirits do have very real limitations. After all they are not magical genies that can grant any wish. They aren’t even relatively powerful spirits when compared to things like arch-angels or the Goetic spirits.

Also keep in mind that fae may not always understand things in the same way you and I do, and they may have trouble comprehending what you tell them to do. For instance if you get a fae to find “treasure” for you, in my experience you usually end up with garbage. It isn’t that the fae is intentionally doing this, it’s just that it may consider things like shiny buttons, cool rocks, and even discarded candy wrappers as treasure. A lot of fae don’t even understand the concept of money, and some of the ones I’ve met that do don’t understand the concept of paper money, and think of money as being something like a coin whose value is derived from the fact that it is made with a precious metal.

Another common problem working with fae is their attention span. Fae are creatures of desire who live in the current moment. Most fae however desire to help people they deem worthy (usually people who are innocent, who are very good natured, who are parent like, or who treat them very well). The problem is they tend to be easily distracted and can quickly forget what they’re doing and go off to do something else that looks like fun. One of the best tricks for working with a fae is to ask it to do a job it would normally find enjoyable instead of something that will bore it. If the fae likes what it’s doing, you have a better chance of success. Unfortunately this isn’t foolproof. A fae creature still might get distracted.

Because of that, this spell works through Venus. Venus is one of the deities that is highly revered by most fae. She is also the goddess of desire, which gives her quite a bit of power over the fae. By casting the spell through Venus you can keep a fae focused on the task at hand so he or she doesn’t get distracted.

But this does mean that you have to work through Venus to do the spell, and so you should ask and receive permission from Venus first. And Venus is a deity who I have found is relatively strict in what she allows you to do with her power, even if you have strong connections to her.

Also the fae summoned through this spell are brought forth under the protection of Venus. To attempt to hurt, kill, capture, punish, or otherwise harm these spirits would be an affront to Venus and she may seek vengeance against you.

This spell doesn’t summon forth a single fae creature. It summons forth a lot of fae, pretty much whatever can be convinced to come, to work within the general area where you cast it. It’s easily modified to only summon forth a specific type of fae, but as it’s normally cast it will bring in all different kinds, and you may find some strange ones that normally would never be found in your area.

The large number of fae creatures work like a dragnet usually covering the city (or general area) where you live. This makes them very good at doing things like finding a place where you can buy something in your town, finding a specific person and bringing them to you, or finding your car keys.

As you can guess, the larger the area you want covered, the less effective the spell will be. However you could conceivably have the spell cover the entire world (though I’ve never tried this).

The spell also lasts for about half a day. So when you’re thinking about what you want to do with this spell, try to figure out something that can be realistically accomplished in half a day. Asking the fae to say, guard your house for the next week, is unrealistic since the spell only lasts for half a day.

On a final note, when you use this spell to summon forth general fae, you may bring forth dark fae who might try to harm or kill you. Usually these are not very powerful spirits, but the situation is made worse by the fact that they are under Venus’ protection and so you can’t really harm them. If this happens, I’d suggest concentrating on purely defensive measures to protect yourself and those in your home. If absolutely necessary, try to work out a non-violent way to remove the fae from the general area or limit their abilities without doing any permanent harm or trauma to them. Once they’re away from you, don’t concern yourself with them anymore. After all it is their right to do as they wish, and from my experiences Venus will look after them and take an interest in what they’re up to.

What You Need:

A Venetian Altar
A Fae Knife
A Candle
A Lighter
A Candle Holder

The Venetian Altar

For more information on how to build an altar, see my FAQ on the subject. You can use a makeshift altar for the spell, but for the best results I suggest having a permanent altar. Fortunately for me, my Venetian altar was one of the very first one I ever built.

The Fae Knife

In theory you don’t need to have a special fae knife for this ritual. If you have a normal magic knife you use, it could theoretically be used and work just fine. But I also find that fae really like having their own knife, and it shows a good deal of respect on your part (which wins you some favor with them) when you actually buy a knife especially for them. Knives aren’t that expensive, so I really suggest getting one. I also suggest getting one that is, for one reason or another, fae like. I keep mine on my Venetian altar to help empower it.

Once you get a fae knife, I suggest blessing it under the fae. If you have fae in your home, you can always ask them to do it. Or you can have Venus bless it as a knife dedicated to the fae. You can also use this spell to summon forth fae to bless your knife.

The Candle

A plain white unscented candle will work fine for this spell. I suggest finding a candle that will take 8-12 hours to burn, since the spell lasts for as long as the candle is burning. If the candle doesn’t burn at least eight hours, you may find that the fae didn’t have enough time to do what you wanted them to. Meanwhile if it lasts for more than twelve hours it usually becomes a pain to have to watch over the candle for that long and at the same time you’re going to have lots of fae coming and going through your house while the spell is active.

As you can guess, the lighter and candle holder are just things that you need in order to use a candle.

A Summary of the Spell

Basically the spell uses the power of your fae knife to cut open a portal and then uses the power of Venus to summon fae through it to complete a task for you.

The Ritual

1. To begin, ask Venus for permission for what you are about to do. If you want more information on communing with the gods, see this post. You may wish to spend some time allowing Venus’ energy to flow through you.

2. Next the candle needs to be blessed under Venus. It’s recommended that the magician be in communion with Venus for the blessing.

3. Hold the candle up to the Venetian alter. Say, “Venus bless this candle so that while it burns it will bring forth fae to this place and that by your will they will be directed to [and say what it is you want the fae to do].

4. Allow the Venetian energy to flow through you and into the candle. Afterwards place the candle on top of the candle holder on the Venetian alter.

5. Take the Fae knife and say, “With this knife I will cut a portal in this room through which all fae may pass.”

6. To do this slice the sword vertically in the air near the Venetian altar. While doing this, visualize the blade slicing through reality as if it were a paper wall and revealing what lies behind it. You need to be able to imagine that it isn’t just air you’re slicing through, but that this paper wall exists where you are cutting, and this wall is what separates reality from everything else, this world from all other worlds, and where we are from every other point in this world. The veil is being pierced here, is being broken here, cut through, and a portal is being created.

7. Light the candle while saying, “By Venus’s power, as this candle burns let fae be drawn to this place, through my portal and by any other means, to complete my task as per Venus’s will and under her protection.” Alternatively you may also, if you wish, repeat the task which the fae are to complete in the above statement, although this isn’t necessary.

8. The spell will last so long as the candle burns. I suggest allowing the candle to burn itself out even if you have already seen results. Fae will still be coming and going during this period as a result of the spell. After the spell is finished be sure to thank Venus and show her your gratitude.

Some Notes

-The spell is easy to modify in order to bring forth only a specific type of fae, although in my experience you usually get less fae this way. If you are familiar with the type of fae and their energy you just have to align the portal with that energy so it only draws fae from a specific world or place largely populated by that type.

-You can also modify the way in which the portal is created. In particular, if a strong portal already exists where you are casting the spell you may wish to just modify that portal to suit your needs rather than create a new one.

-The spell can also be modified to be cast without Venus’s aid, and doing so will give you a lot more leeway in what you can do. However doing so will also net you fewer fae, and you won’t have the benefit of Venus directing their desires so they will complete your task.

-The fae who respond to your request have all volunteered to help you for their own reasons. Don’t worry about immorally controlling the fae or taking advantage of them since each has come of their own free will.

-As stated earlier, any of the fae that come are under the protection of Venus as the candle burns. To harm them in any way or have any sort of malice towards them is an affront to Venus.

-Likewise Venus will protect the fae in her own way while they are working on the mission you gave them.

Some Things I’ve Done With This Spell

Here are just a few examples of things I’ve done with this spell to give you an idea of what you can do:

-A friend of mine called me upset because a friend of hers had called her while he was driving and after taking a large amount of pills in a suicide attempt. After convincing him to get out of the car he passed out while still on the phone. Afterwards she heard several people discussing robbing him while he was unconscious before someone hung up the phone. No one knew where he was and several friends and family members had tried calling him with no response. First I got his number and tried calling it, but it went to voicemail. Afterwards I cast this spell with the instruction that the fae were to find him and then get him to return my call.

Three hours later (now the middle of the night) he was woken up, very hung-over, took out is phone and called back only me without knowing who I was. I explained who I was and after talking to him verified that he was okay and in a safe place and then let him go so he could pass back out.

I actually originally created the spell for this purpose.

-I once used a modified version of this spell to summon gnomes into a local business in order to take out their computer system, which they did. After doing that they got into the AC system and tore that up as well (that was a bonus as I never intended it to happen).

-I’ve used this spell to have the fae help me find a place that has a video game I wanted on release day because I didn’t preorder it.

-I’ve also used this spell to find lost car keys.

-If you’re looking for a relationship and going out to a place where you expect to meet other single people, you can give the fae a description of what you’re looking for and then have them draw those people to where you’ll be so you’ll have a chance to meet them. Be very specific about the physical traits you want though and don’t rely on general terms like attractive or pretty. Even a word like thin is open to too much interpretation for me to recommend using it here without further clarification.

Final Thoughts on Working with the Fae

I’ve worked with fae a lot in the past and over the years I’ve had many living in my home with me for periods of time, and that’s because I’m very compatible with them and I like them a lot, they amuse me to no end. I’ve had a lot of success working with fae too, and a lot of that has to do with the way I treat them. You’ll find you’ll have much more success working with fae if you give them the respect they deserve and are due.

Most magician’s fall into one of two categories in how they view fae. The first kind reveres and even worships them as if they were gods, some even believing they are gods. These people have usually been tricked by fae. We aren’t even going to deal with these people.

The second type of magician tends to think of fae as silly, weak, possibly annoying, and largely useless spirits. They tend to show fae very little respect and believe they deserve even less. The fae often times have special fun with these types of magicians and attempts to use the fae often times end disastrously.

In truth fae deserve a lot of respect. Yes they are fun loving and can be silly or slaves to their desires, and many are prone to causing mischief. But most types of fae would be considered higher realm spirits. Most embody positive emotions like joy and love and happiness. And many can be valiant and fiercely loyal.

Many fae find themselves trying to protect or avenge the innocent when they have been wronged. They end up doing whatever they can to protect an abused child from their parent or an abused animal from their owner. I’m personally far from innocent, but I’ve had a pixie come to my aid in a spiritual fight before. The fact that pixies are not particularly strong spirits doesn’t make the act any less valiant, in my opinion it makes it more so.

Fae, for the most part, are noble and good creatures. They are capable and have a good deal of potential, and they do a lot of good in this world. I’m not saying we should worship them, or serve them, or put them on a pedestal and make them out to be something far greater than what they truly are. But they shouldn’t be looked down upon and they should be given the respect they are due.

From my experiences, fae are generally very appreciative of this, especially since many magicians and spirits don’t give them this sort of respect. Magicians who treat fae in this manner have much better relationships with them and have much greater success working with them.

Be sure to let me know if you have any problems with performing any of the steps in the ritual so I can go back and clarify or rewrite it. I’m particularly concerned about step 6 and may go back and elaborate on this some more, break more of it down into actual ritual, and maybe expand it into several stepts.

A Simple Binding


Now that Tom has taken to figuring out and publishing one of my defensive maneuvers, I may as well tell the world and let others work with it.

This is a simple binding spell. Binding in this term is a spell that is meant to limit the magical ability of another practitioner. There are three ways to go about binding someone. You can internalize their magick within themselves so they can’t effect the world outside (this is the most simplest form, and it has the added advantage that the practitioner may not notice it). You can largely restrict the amount of energy they are allowed to produce and tap into thus rendering them unable to utilize magick (this renders the magician even more powerless but they’ll notice the spell right away, and it is rather difficult to pull of). Or you can completely bind them so they have no higher connection, no access to magical ability, and no way to cast any kind of spell (this is a complete binding and by far the most powerful and effective, although it generally requires quite a bit of work).

This type of binding is the first kind. This is a very good and effective binding because, despite being very simple to undo, it’s very strong and very deceptive in its nature, often times tricking the victim into fruitlessly expelling time and energy.

To cast the binding we draw the crossed symbol and place it upon the victim. It’s enough to draw the sigil in the air with our finger and then move it on top of the victim. The entire sigil is blessed by Saturn, who is a god of boundaries and rules and order, but Saturn’s power is only put at the point where the two lines cross.

Where the two lines cross is the only point where the sigil can ever be broken. Once the sigil is broken the binding is broken. Since Saturn’s power is only where the lines cross, the rest of the sigil will seem weak to an experienced adept who can identify it for what it is. The first instinct of the adept will be to just throw energy at the sigil until the binding is overcome and broken. However this will do nothing as throwing energy at any point other than where the lines cross won’t break the sigil, and where the lines cross are empowered by Saturn, and cannot be broken except by divine power.

To break the sigil, all that needs to happen is someone needs to grab both ends and twist them so the line uncrosses and makes a horseshoe shape. At this point the sigil will disappear and the binding will be over with. This makes it very simple for the caster to undo the binding, and the simple nature of breaking the binding is usually hard to guess.


Aresian Unbinding Spells


Listed below are two spells meant to aid the practitioner in releasing themselves from any outside interference which may be hindering their true path. In general terms a binding spell refers to a spell that seals away all or some of a practitioner’s powers, and an unbinding spell is one which undoes this. These spells are not specifically meant to deal with a binding, although they may be effective in that regard, instead they are meant to eliminate anything which may be hindering or otherwise holding back the practitioner from pursuing their passions.

These spells work through the power of the Greek god Ares, and it’s important to understand what Ares is in order to use them. Unfortunately Ares was badly slandered by Homer for a variety of reasons, and Homer’s popularity and influence among the Greeks resulted in Ares being badly slandered for ever after.

Ares is a god of the righteous in battle, of justice, of love, of vengeance, and yes there is some violence in him. It would be easiest to say that Ares’ true dominion is in being a slave to ones passions, but it would be profane to say that a god is a slave to their passions. Rather Ares has dominion over following ones passions without regard for the consequences. In that regard he is both a god of justice and vengeance, as when he murdered Halirrhotius, he is a god of passionate love, as when he pursued an affair with his brother’s wife Aphrodite, and he is a god of the warrior in battle.

Aresian Short Unbinding

The short unbinding is a simple spell meant to release the practitioner from any minor outside force which has taken to changing the true course of the practitioner and moving him away from his desires. The spell is meant to target those forces which are manipulating the practitioner against his will, albeit in minor ways, and as such is generally safe to perform whenever the practitioner believes he may have been bound to a path other than his own.

I. To begin with, construct an alter to Ares if one is not readily available.

II. Undertake all necessary preparations to spellwork and presenting yourself before a diety, including any ritualistic cleansing or bathing.

III. The ritual is best performed both alone and skyclad.

IV. If absolutely necessary, any of the first three steps may be omitted, with a mental alter to Ares being built instead of a physical one, if the situation is dire and the practitioner needs the spell cast immediately.

V. To begin, light a new candle on Ares’ alter as an offering to him.

VI. Initiate a communion with Ares. This can be done by sitting in a comfortable position, meditating, and then directing energy towards Ares’ alter while allowing energy to be directed back. Allow the energy of Ares to flow through yourself and ask permission for what is about to be performed.

VII. When ready, and while feeling the energy of Ares flowing through yourself, you may begin the actual spell work, which consists of two parts performed simultaneously, a visualization and an incantation.

VIII. Visualize your body covered in straps and chains, and the energy of Ares bursting forth from every bit of your body, breaking the chains and straps. To the best of your ability, direct the energy of Ares towards this visualization.

IX. While visualizing, recite from memory the following incantation:

Lord Ares
Lend your strength
Let each strap be unbroken
Each twine unwound
Let the true heart walk its path
Unswayed, unbound

X. Afterwards thank Ares for his aid. If possible, allow the candle to burn itself out. Otherwise it may be put out and saved for later, but the candle should only ever be burned as an offering to Ares. The alter should be left up for at least a day, if not longer, and when it is deconstructed proper care should be taken as the objects its made of are sacred to Ares.

Aresian Long Unbinding

The long unbinding is a much more drastic spell meant to release the practitioner from any force, internal or external, preventing them from following the true desire of their heart. This spell, being as it is, can have serious repercussions, and should only be used when absolutely necessary, and only after lesser methods have been tried and failed. As noted below, the fourth candle should be lit, if it is lit at all, with extreme caution. It should also be mentioned that fire exists without form, and as such is considered a link between the physical world and the spiritual or metaphysical world. The act of lighting a flame can be considered a connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.

I. Construct a proper alter to Ares if one is not readily available. Make sure that there is enough room for several candle holders.

II. Undertake all necessary preparations to spellwork and presenting yourself before a diety, including any ritualistic cleansing or bathing.

III. The ritual is to be performed skyclad and alone, or if not alone then with an object of one’s desire only and also skyclad.

IV. Initiate a communion with Ares and allow his energy to flow through you and ask for permission for what is about to be done. If with a partner, both should perform this communion. If needed, candles may be burnt in offering to Ares in order to aid in communion.

V. Place three or four candles on the alter as shown:


(ed. note: I’m having trouble properly formatting this diagram. I’ll look into getting something better set up soon. If anyone needs this diagram to do the spell in the meantime, email me and I’ll try to help you figure it out.)
VI. When ready, and with the power of Ares flowing through you, recite the following incantation from memory (with two, both partners may recite the incantation, or one may do so as the ritual leader):

Lord Ares
Lend your strength
May all that confines the heart be destroyed

VII. It must be understood that the first candle is meant to release the practitioner from any internal restraints they may have placed on themselves which prevent them from realizing their passions fully. These restraints may have been enacted out of fear, modesty, etiquette, safety, or many other reasons. This candle is meant to make their passions swell within themselves and overcome all else.

VIII. As the first candle is lit, visualize your body being engulfed by a white flame of passion that grows from within you and overswells eventually consuming the all of your being. Recite the following incantation from memory (with two both should perform the visualization, and one or both may recite the incantation):

Let my passions be alight
A burning flame, pure and white,
And let my heart be aright

(Or for two):

Let our passions be alight,
A burning flame, pure and white,
And let our hearts be aright

IX. It must be understood that the second candle is meant to release the practitioner from any external factors that are preventing them from realizing their passions fully. These can be thought of as the forces of society. These are parts of the mundane world which are not just obstacles to achieving ones passions, but are actively working to push the practitioner away from their passions.

X. As the second candle is lit, visualize the flame that has engulfed your body bursting forth from you and consuming everything it comes in contact with. Recite the following incantation from memory (with two both should perform the visualization, and one or both may recite the incantation):

Let my body release its flame,
Let it burn through man’s domain,
And my passions, not man, shall reign

(Or for two):

Let our bodies release our flame,
Let it burn through man’s domain,
And our passions, not man, shall reign

XI. It must be understood that the third candle is meant to release the practitioner from any spiritual forces and bindings that may be preventing them from realizing their passions fully. This would include any spells, hexes, or curses cast, any magickal bindings, any spells which have effected the practitioner’s path and destiny, any pacts or deals made with any entities, and any debts owed so long as these things are contrary to or otherwise prevent the true will of the practitioner’s heart.

XII. As the third candle is lit, visualize yourself bound by ethereal straps (or hands or chains) and the energy flowing through you moving from your body into these straps and completely destroying them, leaving you naked and free of all bonds. Recite the following incantation from memory (with two both should perform the visualization, and one or both may recite the incantation):

Let all binds break
Remove all ties save fate
And return me to my natural state

(Or For Two):

Let all binds break
Remove all ties save fate
And return us to our natural state

The spell may be completed after lighting any of the four candles, and the fourth candle should be lit with extreme caution. It must be understood that the fourth candle is meant to release the practitioner from their destiny, for use in instances when the practitioner feels as if their destined path runs contrary to their desires. If this portion of the spell is successfully performed, at the point directly proceeding the spell the practitioner will no longer have a future or a destiny, only their desires, and their destiny will then be rewrit from that point. A practitioner will be unhinged from destiny for a moment prior to a new destiny being made for them. The repercussions of lighting the fourth candle are serious and most likely irreversible.

XIV: As the fourth candle is lit, visualize your body being thrown from its current place and put into a void, visualize the energy in you white and pulsing out, destroying any remaining ties you may have to anything, and destroying anything that comes near you. Recite the following incantation from memory (with two both should perform the visualization, and one or both may recite the incantation):

Remove myself from my destiny
Rewrite what is meant to be
And untie even fate from me

(Or For Two):

Remove us from our destiny
Rewrite what is meant to be
And untie even fate from we

XV: Presumably a fifth candle could be lit, supposing the proper visualization and incantations could be figured out, and this candle would allow the practitioner to transcend the laws of the universe if it were within the will of his heart, allowing for such impossibilities like immortality and gain without loss. Perhaps the past could also be rewritten via this candle, or perhaps that would require yet a sixth candle.

XVI: After the ritual the candles should be allowed to burn themselves out. If possible, the practitioner should stay and meditate until all the candles are burnt out. Alternatively the practitioner could sleep in front of the alter until all the candles are burnt out. If the ritual was performed with a partner, the two may have sex following the ritual if they both desire to, although the act would be sacred. After all is finished proper gratitude and respect should be given to Ares, and the alter should be left up for at least a day if not longer.

XVII: A final caution, make sure you know what it is you want before casting this spell.