1 Lesson Correspondence Course

“Put me in coach, I’m ready to play, today, look at me, I could be, centerfield.”

So you want to be a magician. If you’re not a magician, I assume that’s why you’re reading my blog. Maybe you haven’t found the right group, or the right teacher. Maybe you can’t afford one of those other correspondence courses. Maybe you’ve tried other systems, but it’s too difficult to invest six months or a year or three years to a system before you see results. You’re in luck because I’ve come up with a 1 lesson correspondence course that will make you a magician. I’m giving it away free, so all it’ll cost you between a quarter and two dollars in supplies. You don’t have to study. You don’t have to learn protection techniques or magical theory. You don’t need a teacher and you don’t need a group. All you have to do is read this one post, follow these instructions, and tomorrow morning you will be a magician.

If you haven’t yet done a spell, if you’ve never performed a magical operation, even if you’ve never seen a ghost or had a psychic premonition, what I’m offering right now is the key to your spiritual attainment. Whatever you want to do or become spiritually, it all starts right here, right now, and all you have to do is want it.

Right now you’re being given a choice. You can choose to become a magician today. If you chose that, then today you’ll start on your spiritual path, whatever that may be. Whatever it is you want spiritually, you’ll find it on that path. Whether that’s doing magic, seeing ghosts, finding your higher self, gaining enlightenment, flying on a broom stick, or whatever else you want spirituality to be.

If you choose not to become a magician today, I don’t know why you’re reading my blog, or any magical blogs or books. You should give up, save yourself some time and money, and not waste the time of legitimate teachers and group members. If you aren’t yet a magician and you don’t become one today, I have very little faith that you will ever become a magician.

Magicians are defined by their actions. They do things. They also tend to jump right in and do things. They don’t wait until they’ve studied enough, until they’ve learned the right techniques, until their success or safety is assured, or put things off until tomorrow. Magicians get an idea for some magic in their head, and then they go out and do it.

If you put off doing this today, you will probably never do it. If you want to wait until you’re ready, you will never be ready. If you want to be a magician, if you want to be a spiritual person, just take this first step, and everything else will come to you.

I implore anyone reading this who has never cast a spell, or who hasn’t cast a spell in a long time, to change that and become a magician today. I want people to be magicians. I want other people to find their spiritual attainment. So please, do this for yourself, and make yourself, spiritually, into what you want to be.

So you’re still reading, so I assume you’re at least thinking about seeing this through. You might be wondering how you can be a magician. It’s easy. A magician is someone who does magic. If you do magic, you’re a magician. The wonderful thing about magic though is that once you start doing it, everything else will start to fall into place. You’ll be having spiritual experiences, which will teach you about the metaphysical universe, and then you’ll have practical knowledge to apply to theory. This will make you a stronger magician who can do more, which means you’ll have even more spiritual experiences, and those will teach you even more about the metaphysical universe, giving you even more practical knowledge to apply to theory.

You’ll begin a cycle that will make you more and more powerful through out your entire life, and even into your afterlife.

All you have to do to put everything in motion is do one spell tonight. That will start the chain. I suggest trying to do magic as often as you can. You can easily do one of the spells you’re going to do tonight every night if you want to. Or you can experiment with other spells, maybe even your own. You don’t have to commit to all this right now though. Right now all you have to commit to is doing one spell.

I figure some of things people want are sex, money, and power. I think most people want at least one of these things. So I’ve devises four simple spells to help you attain sex, money, and/or power.

Will these spells work? That depends on you. The magical theory is solid. If you do them well enough, the spells will work. They might not though. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t work on the first try, or if they never work for you. It might take a few tries, or it might take a different kind of spell to see results. Just keep on trying until something finally does work, and always perform these spells with a positive attitude, never giving up faith that this time it will work.

Right now the important thing isn’t results. Right now the important thing is to be doing magic. Even if it doesn’t work, it’s still a first step on the journey to becoming an adept, and even a horribly bad novice magician is still a magician, which makes them much more spiritual than someone who isn’t a magician.

So, four spells, pick the one you like. All of these spells require a candle. I suggest a new white pillar candle that will burn for a few hours. That’s just a suggestion though. Feel free to use any kind of candle you want, can afford, or happen to have on hand. If it burns too long, you can always just put it out. You’ll also need a lighter, and something to put the candle on, preferably a candle holder. The prosperity spell also requires some pocket change, and the glamour spell works best with a mirror.

I also suggest taking a nice relaxing shower prior to doing any of these spells. If that isn’t possible, that’s okay, it’s just a suggestion. A quiet, dark place where you won’t be disturbed is also ideal, but not necessary.

Once you’re ready pick your spell and get to work. You may want to copy your spell into a text editor and print it out in case you need a reference during the spell.

Spell 1: Making Yourself Pretty

This spell is a basic glamour + projection. The idea is to make yourself more attractive, so more people will be interested in you.

This spell works best if you haven’t pleasured yourself lately. If you have, don’t worry, you can still do the spell.

First things first, take off all your clothes, including your socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. This will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions. Don’t worry, it’s a solitary ritual, so no one will see you. Except your gods. And any spirits that happen to be around. And any one who may astrally project or remote view you. Actually, unless you’re a never-nude, not being seen naked isn’t really an achievable goal anyways.

Hold the candle in your hand and look into the mirror, and focus on your better physical qualities. Figure out the things that make you attractive. Spend a few minutes (like five or ten) looking into the mirror, and thinking of yourself as an attractive person. Be attracted to yourself. Ignore your flaws, or any parts of yourself that make you unattractive.

The goal of a glamour shouldn’t be to give yourself specific attributes, like six pack abs or larger breasts. That doesn’t really work, and there’s no telling if a potential mate will even want that anyways. The goal is to put an aura of attractiveness around yourself, and then the person looking at you will fill in the blanks to make you attractive.

After you finished that, sit down with your candle. Put your hands on either side of the candle, bow your head down, and close your eyes. Say out loud, “Let what I think and what I feel leave me and enter into this candle.”

Now start thinking about either love or sex. Remember what it feels like to be in love, or even to like someone and have a crush on them. Think about how wonderful it is to think about them and spend time with them. Think about some sexual fantasies and things that turn you on. All the while hold the candle in your hands, and try your best to think about the candle. If you can, visualize these thoughts going into the candle.

I suggest spending five to ten minutes on this.

Place the candle on its candle holder.

Say out loud, “As it burns, let all that is within this candle come to be with me. Once all that is within this candle has come to be in me, let it come off of me as the heat comes off the flame.”

Light the candle. Spend about five minutes staring at the candle and feeling whatever it might be giving you. After that, go about doing whatever you want to do that night while the candle burns.

The next morning you may want to repeat the mirror ritual without the candle, but you don’t have to. For the first half of your day, maybe the entire day, you may notice people looking at you a little more lustfully.

Spell 2: Bringing Yourself a Lover

Chance encounters with people you find attractive are great, but they’re so chancey. There’s no guarantee that you’ll meet someone when you go out tomorrow, and very few ways to increase your odds. Maybe you would have more luck at a singles bar, but the love of your life might just be doing their grocery shopping tomorrow. This spell is designed to bring about a chance encounter with a potentially special someone. After that it’s up to you, since the spell doesn’t offer any help beyond that.

To start, take off all your clothes, including your socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. This will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions.

Once you’re naked, stand up straight, close your eyes, and say out loud, “I am a magnet, the person I want will be drawn towards me.” Repeat this for a total of five times. Louder is better, but don’t yell or scream. If you think you might be overheard, you don’t have to say it loud enough to be heard.

Next sit down with your candle. Place each of your hands on either side of the candle. Bow your head down and close your eyes. Think of all the traits you want your boyfriend or girlfriend to have. Think of the different physical attributes you would find attractive. Imagine all these things combined together into a dream person who would be your new boyfriend or girlfriend. While doing this try to think of the candle. Imagine all of these thoughts entering into the candle. If you can, visualize these thoughts, and your dream lover, leaving you and entering the candle. Do this for five to ten minutes.

Place the candle on to the candle holder. Say out loud, “Let another lonely heart, like the one described within my mind, be drawn to me. Let this candle burn, and in doing so bring us together.”

Light the candle.

Stand up straight, close your eyes, and say out loud five more times, “I am a magnet, the person I want will be drawn towards me.”

Spend a few minutes staring at the candle while it burns. See if you can feel anything, like the universe twisting around and coming together around you to offer you an opportunity.

Now go about your business for the rest of the evening and let the candle burn. You may wish to repeat that last part of the ritual about being the magnet again in the morning. If all went right with the spell, you may find yourself having a chance encounter with someone special.

Spell 3: A Simple Prosperity Spell

Maybe you’ve already found the love of your life, so those other spells aren’t going to be all that useful to you. But all of us could use a little extra spending cash, so here’s a spell to help make you part of the 1%.

In addition to your candle, you’re going to need some pocket change for this spell. Try to get between five and ten coins, and ideally have at least one of each.

Now that you got your pocket change, you aren’t going to need your pockets anymore, so take off all your clothes, including socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. This will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions.

Sit down. Put your money in your left hand and make a fist. Hold the candle with your right hand. Put your arms at your side, and raise your hands so they’re level with your head. Close your eyes. Say out loud, “Let these two things be as one. Let this candle be as money, and make me richer and bring prosperity. Let this money be as the candle, released into the universe.”

With your hands still raised, and your eyes still closed, imagine the money coming out of your hand and entering the candle. If you can, imagine it entering your hand, traveling through your arm and across your chest, and exiting out your other hand into the candle. Then imagine the candle burning, and showering coins into the universe around you. Finally imagine the candle burning, and coins showering out, and being drawn to and entering your body.

Continue these visualization for five to ten minutes. When you’re about to finish, bring your hands together, putting your left fist, holding the money, against the left side of the candle. If you can, take a minute or two to imagine all of your thoughts and imaginings from the last five to ten minutes leaving your mind and entering the candle.

Place the candle on the candle holder. Say out loud, “Burn and bring me prosperity, and riches for a day.” Light the candle.

Spend five to ten minutes staring at the candle. See if you can feel the candle doing anything to you, specifically enchanting you with a prosperity spell. If you can’t that’s okay.

The next day you’ll hopefully either find or come into some extra money. It’ll probably just be spare change, but it’s still money, and if you want to develop your own prosperity spell, the basic concept is the same, you just have to think bigger.

Spell 4: Feel the Magic

Maybe you’re content with the material aspects of your life. Maybe you’ve done the first three rituals already, so you have the love of your life and you’re piggy bank is all filled up with pocket change. All you want now is to feel something magical. Let’s do a little empowering magic.


First things first, strip completely naked, and that includes socks and underwear. I didn’t include clothes in my $2.00 of required tools, and clothes can be expensive. Being naked will also get you into a magical mindset, and it may even help you get used to experiencing new things and being able to still work magic under those conditions. With this spell in particular, being naked is going to make it that much easier to experience something.

Sit down with the candle, and put your hands on either side of it. Bow your head and close your eyes. Think about the candle for a bit. Think about its shape, how it feels, what it is, and how its about to be used magically, and what it might symbolize ritually. Imagine the thoughts and images in your head flowing out of you and entering into the candle. If you can, specifically imagine the route they take from your head, through your chest, through your arms and hands, and finally into the candle. Continue these visualizations for five to ten minutes.

Once you finish, place the candle on the candle holder. Take the lighter in your hand and say, “I am of the magi, and I call forth fire elemental to sit upon this flame.” As soon as you finish, flick the lighter, and use the flame to light the candle. If you screw up lighting the candle, start again with, “I am of the magi…”. As you light the candle, imagine a fire elemental (whatever you think that would look like) being pulled up from underground and into the flame.

Once the candle is lit, sit down. Watch the flame for a minute. If a fire elemental is inside, it may be moving erratically. The flame may be much bigger than it should be, or the flame may rapidly change from being small to large and back.

Sit down facing the candle. Spread your legs a bit, but not so much that you’re uncomfortable. Hold your hands up to your head with your palms facing the ceiling.

Look at the candle. Look at the flame on the candle. Think of the energy coming off the candle as it burns. Think about the heat coming off that flame. Imagine that the energy is like the heat, an invisible aura that emanates from the flame. Look at the flame, and visualize that energy coming off the flame. Imagine pulling that energy and that heat off, towards you. Imagine pulling that energy off the flame and into you.

Continue sitting there, legs still spread, hands still up, imagining the energy coming into from the flame like a steady stream. Imagine the fire elemental being pulled off the flame and into your body. Imagine it coming to rest inside of you.

If you managed to successfully evoke and take in the fire elemental, you’ll probably begin to feel a bit hotter underneath your skin, and a lot more powerful. Taking in a fire elemental is like getting a quick boost of power. If you don’t manage to get a fire elemental, you may still end up drawing some of the energy from the candle into yourself. If you’re not used to taking in energy, it may seem like an awful lot.


“Got a beatup glove, a homemade bat, and brand-new pair of shoes, you know I think it’s time to give this game a ride.

So there’s four spells. All you have to do is follow the instructions and do  one tonight and tomorrow you’ll be a magician, and you’ll be on your way to spiritual attainment.

If you have any issues or questions with the different spells, or have trouble getting them to work, I’m more than happy to help. The only thing is, I’m not going to help anyone who hasn’t attempted one of the spells. The whole point is to do something tonight, not put off doing it until I can get around to answering your questions.

Even if you’re having problems, try doing the spell. If you don’t understand why you’re doing something, that’s okay. If you’re not sure about something, guess. If there’s a part of the spell where you don’t know what to do, make something up. If you can’t do a spell exactly as its written for some reason, then make some sort of modification to it so that you can do it. It doesn’t need to be exact. It doesn’t even need to work the first time you try it. What does need to happen is you need to be doing magic today, even if you completely fail at it.

Likewise if you want to tell me that this is crap, it’s dangerous, tell me why it won’t work, tell me how they can be improved, or otherwise complain or point out flaws in these spells, go ahead. But if you’re going to do any of that, do one of the spells first. If you’re not a magician, I don’t care about you’re opinion on magic. It’s uninformed, and I know a hell of a lot more than you do.

If you want to compliment me on this post or tell me how great it is, I always like to hear nice things, but wait until after you’ve done one of the spells. Then you can talk about what you did and experienced if you want. And, until you’ve done one of these spells, doing one of these spells is going to help you a lot more than commenting on Internet blogs.

If you want to talk about your experiences with these spells, or how well they worked for you, feel free. I always like hearing about how this sort of stuff works or doesn’t work for other people.

Trials of the Magi

Once upon a time the Freemasons had this initiatory ritual. Basically the initiate would be blindfolded and led into a room. One of the senior Masons would then put a handgun up to his head, and ask him if he was afraid of death. The initiate was expected to say no, and after that the senior Mason would pull the trigger.

Of course the gun wasn’t loaded, so the initiate would survive the ordeal. If the initiate knows the gun isn’t loaded, it seems like a stupid little game, and that’s all it really is. If the initiate thinks the gun is loaded though, then it starts to seem more like a cruel hazing ritual, but it’s actually a true initiation ritual, and an example of the sorts of trials a magus must go through.

Usually early in our careers as magicians we are all given these trials to overcome. Either, as with the Freemasons, they are done by senior group members or teachers in order to prepare us for what lies ahead, or we receive them in a more spiritual way. These trials are important, and hopefully all magicians receive them. These trials remove our fears, so we can operate magically, and make us strong enough so that the spiritual world doesn’t break us.

With the Freemason ritual, in particular, the point is to desensitize someone and remove their fear of death. Magical workings can become very scary things. There’s a lot out there that can kill you. Many magicians deal with these scary things by becoming so afraid they use numerous unnecessary protections in their operations and never really push themselves in their magical practice. These magicians never seem to get anywhere with their practice, and miss out on a good deal of what magick has to offer.

Once a person learns about the spiritual world, that fear can make this world a very frightening one to live in. They now know that there are powerful and horrible spirits out there that can at any time enter their home and kill them without repercussions, and there’s not much out there to defend them from this. They then spend their lives in anxiety and fear trying to protect themselves, or they become born again Christians.

The metaphysical universe, as practicing magicians see it, is not a very comforting and protective place. It’s a place where different spirits are attacking each other, and different magicians are attacking each other, and good or evil doesn’t determine the victory, but rather whoever’s strongest. The universe is not weighted towards good. There is no all mighty God looking out for his children, and saying a name, such as Jesus Christ, holds no special power over the spirits. The metaphysical universe is a mortally dangerous place, and we’re cast out there, pretty much alone, to survive on whatever inner-strength and wits we might possess.

Christianity meanwhile offers a safe-haven from all of this. There is an all mighty god, who is good and righteous, and he loves you and wants to protect you. Whenever things get to the point that a person can’t handle them, they can always turn to God for protection and aid. That’s why so many magicians turn to Christianity after their first bad experience. The church offers them safety.

The Freemason ritual is meant to force the initiate to face death, to overcome their fear of it, and show them that even all alone they can survive it. The next time the initiate is put into mortal danger, it’s not going to be as bad. All of that fear and anxiety is going to be washed away, and they’ll be able to practice their magic without worrying about what might happen to them.

That’s great if you have a fear of death, but not all of us fear death. For some of us, there are things far worse than death, and so our individual trials need to deal with those issues too.

When I was first starting out, I underwent a spiritual trial I can still remember because it was so emotionally scarring. I was playing around with some new found power, putting certain energies out and astrally projecting and seeing what I could find. That night I think I was seeing if I could attract a potential date to me and meet them on the astral. What I got instead was horrific.

Eventually I gave up with what I was trying to do and just fell asleep, and I ended up in a super-vivid dream. Those aren’t too uncommon for me. Those are the dreams where I can accurately smell, and taste, and feel every small thing around me. This one though felt even more real than my normal super-vivid dreams.

In my dream I was me, but I had a compulsion I couldn’t quite control, and I was forced to act upon it. The compulsion was a kind of necrophilia. I had two dead bodies hidden away in two different buildings, and I couldn’t help but move back and forth from one to the other and then having sex with them.

Some of you might be thinking of pale white recently dead bodies, and that probably doesn’t seem so bad, but that’s not what I’m talking about. These bodies were completely unpreserved, and probably months or more old. They were decaying, they smelled and tasted putrid, and insects were running through them.

Through out the dream I was terrified that I would get caught doing what I was doing, and I was really ashamed of it, but still I had to do it. The actual sexual experience was beyond horrific. It’s still the most disgusting thing I could possibly imagine, and before this dream I couldn’t even imagine something like this. Worse for me was that through out the dream I wanted to be having this sort of sex. I can’t remember how many times I had sex during that dream, but it was a lot.

I woke up from that dream a complete mess. I felt so sick right afterwards. Luckily I was still with my teacher then, so I at least had some help in recovering from what happened. A lot of people told me to write this off as just being a dream. I knew back then that it wasn’t just a dream, but I was already telling myself it was. That thought in my head that maybe it was just a dream was the only thing that stopped me from curling up in a fetal position and mumbling insanely for the rest of my life.

I was emotionally scarred by the whole experience. To be honest, it very nearly broke me. But I recovered from it, and now I’m stronger for it. In fact I was so scarred from that experience that I’m desensitized to anything else the universe might throw at me.

Some gross and yucky spirit wants to rape me? It’s not going to be that bad, sex with dead bodies was worse. I’m not afraid of going to prison and being gang raped there either, as many men are, because that’s still not as bad as sex with dead bodies (or even yucky spirits). It’s not just sex things though, it’s any kind of gross, disgusting thing. I’m more than happy to walk through raw sewage or an adult theater filled with human secretions, and the spiritual world equivalents of these places, because it’s still not as bad as sex with dead bodies.

There is nothing that can be done to me or shown to me that can ever scar me or break me, because it will never be as bad as that dream was. Even that dream has lost a lot of its edge, because I survived it, and I know I can survive it.

That was one of my trials. It was a very horrible one, but I’m glad it happened. I’ve become extraordinarily resilient because of it. The horrible things out there don’t scare me, and I can go right on with my life even after having a horrible or gross experience.

I’m relating my personal experience, and the Freemason ritual, to give some examples of what these trials look like, so they can be properly identified. They are usually very horrible and scarring things, and one of the not so fun parts of magic. They’re a necessity though, and ultimately a good thing, and something we, as magicians, should embrace. It’s a thing that makes us stronger, and makes us strong enough to reach our full potential in performing magical operations.

As an aside, the next time you’re in Walt Disney Land, take a ride on Mr Toad’s Wild Ride, and all the while think about the Freemason ritual (Disney himself was a Mason, and there’s a theory that the original park rides were meant to introduce children to Masonic ideas).